What Happens at Glenwood?

Glenwood is a residence in Vancouver run and funded by the Westbrook Education Fund. Here high school and university students are taught how to acquire and foster beneficial personal qualities and professional attributes such as generosity of spirit and a strong sense of personal and social responsibility, and thereby become men who understand that professionalism and excellence are best directed to serving our loved ones and society rather than merely as a means of obtaining wealth or prestige.

Big Picture Seminar

Glenwood’s Big Picture Seminar is a program designed to help young men, starting as early as grade nine, develop a clear vision of their future.

The program aims to help these young men form high ideals, set realistic goals, and make practical plans for immediate application. The presenters offer advice and offer pointers from their own experiences in succeeding academically, choosing career paths and becoming effective leaders in the workplace and society at large.

Seminar topics and hand-out material show how to build personal strengths, select a career, plan ahead, develop the power of reading, define personal values, live in accordance with one's principles and faith, become a good father and family man, and much more. Lively practicums in topics such as practising business etiquette, applying to university, and finding a summer job demonstrate how to function effectively in real-life situations.

With the advice they receive from the speakers and the Glenwood staff members, these students learn to see their high-school years (their studies, athletics and fine arts, summer jobs) as providing opportunities to develop the personal qualities necessary for greater success throughout their lives.

Glenwood Leadership Series

Leadership can be equated with assuming one’s responsibilities towards others.

Everyone becomes a leader at one time or another, whether it be in professional life, as a parent, or as a member of society. Colleges, corporations, and entire societies have a continuous need for good leaders, leaders who want to make a positive difference around them and who see a leadership role as an exciting opportunity to serve.

The Glenwood Leadership Series is designed to help young men in grades 10, 11 and 12 realize that their high-school years provide them with many opportunities to develop leadership skills.

The series combines lectures by guest speakers, site visits, one-on-one mentoring, and classroom discussions. It addresses such topics as knowing oneself, knowing the world, leadership through service, critical thought, ethics, formal debating, and conducting meetings.

Please visit the Glenwood website for more details.


Other activities organized by Glenwood:

Meditations, theology classes and other spiritual activities for university and for high-school students.
Retreats for university students
Retreats for high-school students
Service projects in Manitoba & Mexico